Located in Umboginwini at the AECI national keypoint installation with safe and secure parking, we our promise is to keep our customers informed with the latest in technology regarding UAV's.
Keep it simple and never loose sight of the key outcome.
Set up our customer for succuss!.
Provide the best product and services in the UAV market.
Unmanned SA is an independant organisation committed to support UAV and Drone requirements World Wide with High Technology UAV's. Our core focus is pilot and people safety, how the UAV flies and regulates the pilot is an essential element in assisting with the overall protection of the asset. Platform reliability and stability is paramount.
Supply the most advanced systems to suite customers needs to ensure success.
Supply and support mission critical with no deviation and compomise.
Provide ease of use and get the job done as cost affectively as possible.
Allow access to the best in the drone industry to support Anglers worldwide get their bait in the dropzone of their choice.